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Displaying 101-164 of 164  Page  Show Previous Page  No Next Page

 Thermal Shock Chambers  in Environmental and Temperature Test Chambers  (1)

 Contact/Proximity Mask Aligners  in Mask Aligners  (3)

 Fiber Optic Light Sources  in Fiber Optic Illuminators  (8)

 Convectron Gauges  in Vacuum Gauges  (9)

 Turbo Pump Controllers  in Vacuum Pump Controllers  (24)

 Laser Marking Systems  in Lasers  (1)

 Turbo Pumps  in Vacuum Pumps  (55)

 Lasers & Related Equipment - Other  in Lasers  (1)

 Cryo Pump Controllers  in Vacuum Pump Controllers  (3)

 Ultrasonic Baths  in Ultrasonics  (6)

 Cryogenic Compressors  in Vacuum Pumps  (14)

 Upright Microscopes  in Light Microscopes  (25)

 Lithography Equipment - Other  in Lithography Equipment  (1)

 Cryopumps  in Vacuum Pumps  (28)

 UV-Visible Spectrophotometers  in Spectrophotometers  (1)

 Manual Ball Bonders  in Ball Bonders  (2)

 Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment - Other  in Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment  (4)

 Cut-Off Saws  in Sample Preparation Equipment  (4)

 Shock Machines  in Vibration and Shock  (1)

 Manual Eutectic Die Bonders  in Eutectic Die Bonders  (1)

 DC Power Supplies  in Power Supplies  (91)

 Silicon Etchers  in Single Chamber Plasma Tools  (1)

 Manual Photoresist Coaters  in Photoresist Coaters  (4)

 DI/RO Water Systems  in Water Handling Equipment  (4)

 Single Chamber PECVD Tools  in Production Tools  (2)

 Manual Photoresist Developers  in Photoresist Developers  (2)

 Dicing Saws  in Dicing Tools  (3)

 Single Sided Lapper  in Lapping Machines  (40)

 Manual Spray Brush Scrubbers  in Spray/Brush Scrubbers  (1)

 Manual Wedge Bonders  in Wedge Bonders  (5)

 Horizontal Sputterers  in Batch Sputtering Tools  (2)

 Solvent Wet Stations  in Wafer Cleaners  (1)

 Immersion Coolers  in Baths and Chillers  (1)

 Spectrometers - Other  in Spectrometers  (1)

 Barrel Resist Strippers  in Plasma Resist Strippers  (7)

 Inert Gas Ovens  in Ovens  (8)

 Spin Rinse Dryers  in Wafer Cleaners  (14)

 Barrel/Box Plasma Etchers  in Plasma Etch Equipment  (8)

 Batch Ovens  in Ovens  (1)

 Standalone Sputterers  in Single Wafer Sputtering Tools  (3)

 Inverted Microscopes  in Light Microscopes  (1)

 Bath/Circulators  in Baths and Chillers  (14)

 Ion Beam Drives  in PVD Power Supplies  (1)

 Standard Photoresist DevTracks  in Photoresist Develop Track Systems  (2)

 Belt Ovens  in Ovens  (1)

 Ion Beam Equipment - Other  in Ion Beam Equipment  (1)

 Stands  in Microscope Parts and Accessories  (20)

 Burn-In Ovens  in Ovens  (6)

 Ion Pumps  in Vacuum Pumps  (1)

 Ionization Gauge Controllers  in Vacuum Gauge Controllers  (4)

 Cameras and Controllers  in Microscopes  (3)

 Acid Wet Stations  in Wafer Cleaners  (3)

 Ionization Gauges  in Vacuum Gauges  (5)

 Air Filtration  in Clean Room Equipment  (3)

 Capacitance Gauge Controllers  in Vacuum Gauge Controllers  (4)

 IPA Vapor Dryers  in Wafer Cleaners  (1)

 Analytical Wafer Probers  in Manual Probers  (16)

 Capacitance Gauges  in Vacuum Gauges  (45)

 Assembly / Hybrid - Other  in Semiconductor / Hybrid Assembly Equipment  (5)

 Centrifuges  in Laboratory Equipment  (2)

 Automated Coating and Developing Cluster System  in Photoresist Coater/Developers  (1)

 Automatic Epoxy Die Bonders  in Epoxy Die Bonders  (1)

 Automatic Wafer Probers  in Wafer Probers  (2)

 Automatic Wedge Bonders  in Wedge Bonders  (2)

Displaying 101-164 of 164  Page  Show Previous Page  No Next Page
Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment:
A&N Corporation, Adixen, Advanced Energy, Affinity, Airco Temescal, Alcatel, Applied Materials AKT, Applied Materials, Inc., Astex, Asyst Technologies, Balzers, Balzers-Pfeiffer, Bausch & Lomb, Inc, Blue M, Branson/IPC, Brooks Automation, Brooks Instrument, Buehler, Cascade Microtech, Cascade TEK, CHA Industries, Cincinnati Sub-Zero, CTI Cryogenics, CVI, Delta Design, Despatch, DMS, Ebara, Edwards, Electronic Measurements Inc, ENI Power Systems, Ferrotec, Fisher Scientific, GGB Industries Inc., Granville Phillips, Hewlett Packard, HPS, Huntington, HVA, Inficon, Insulator Seal Corp., Ion Systems, Karl Suss, Key High Vacuum, Kulicke & Soffa, Kurt Lesker, Lambda, Leica, Leica, Leitz, Leybold, Logitech, Lytron, March Instruments, MDC, Meivac Inc., Micromanipulator, Millipore Tylan, MKS Instruments, Inc., MV Products, Mykrolis, Neslab, Nikon, Nor-Cal Products, Oerlikon Leybold, Olympus, Osaka Vacuum Ltd., Particle Measurement Systems, Pfeiffer Vacuum, Plasma-Therm, Power Ten Inc, Seiko-Seiki, Semitool, Semprex, Seren, Signatone, SMC, Solitec, Sorensen, Stokes Vacuum, Surface Technology Systems, Suss MicroTec, TDK-Lambda, Temescal, Tenney, Terra Universal Inc., Thermotron, Unit Instruments, Unitek, Unknown, Vacuum Research, Varian, VAT, Veeco Instruments, Verteq, VWR Scientific Products, West-Bond, Wild, Yield Engineering Systems, Zeiss