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Recirculating Chillers

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Capovani Brothers Inc stocks a variety of used and refurbished chillers with a wide range of cooling capacities and pump types. Visit our Helpful hints for selecting a used chiller page for more information regarding chiller selection and fluid pump types. Visit our Chiller Refurbishment and Functional Testing Procedures page for information regarding testing and refurbishment of used chillers.

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Item IDItem DescriptionMin TempCooling SystemMax FlowHeat/Cool Cntrl#PriceNotes
MakeModelExternal CoolngPump type/ModelCoolng CapacityControl Type
»ºF  »ºK  ºC»BTU/hr  W»l/m  GPM$
123198 Affinity CAA003J-custom5Frcd Air CooledPD-21,0004Programmable 1 1,600.00
125068 Affinity FWA-060K-BE41CBD45Water CooledTurbine TU-120,0003Programmable 4 9,050.00 F*
55398 Affinity FWA-060L-BE13BD45Water CooledTurbine 2-HP22,870Programmable 1 7,025.00
121062 Affinity PAA-003T CHILLER4Air CooledPositive Displacement / P21,0004Programmable 6 F*
206690 Delta T Systems TCWC-N-H460S-7Water Cooled 1 F*
87894 Haskris R050E5Water CooledPD-11,8471 1 2,100.00
139995 Lauda-Brinkmann WK5000Air Cooled1,2958Digital Setpnt 1
206256 Lytron Coolix-40005Air CooledPD 2 6,000Digital Setpnt 1 F*
173535 Lytron RCO11J03DD3M1685Frcd Air CooledCentrifugal DD 1/2-HP1,7007Digital Setpnt 1
245062 Lytron RWA012T-BE07CBD45Water CooledTurbine5,0006Digital Setpnt 1 F*
97168 M&W Systems RPCX-17A-VER5Frcd Air CooledPD-11,1142Analog Setpoint 1 2,300.00 F*
189158 M.T.A. S.p.A. TAE EVO 121-5Air CooledCentrifugal, Stainless Steel (water side)41,86966Digital Setpnt 1
189181 M.T.A. S.p.A. TAE EVO 121-SS-5Air CooledCentrifugal, Stainless Steel (water side)41,86966Digital Setpnt 1
163878 Modutek RCe 025-2500-2Air CooledMagnetic621 2
130227 Neslab CFT-255Frcd Air CooledMD-305805Analog Setpoint 1
122679 Neslab CFT-33M5Frcd Air CooledPD-29504Analog Setpoint 1 1,400.00
195789 Neslab HX-75 /115-volt5Frcd Air CooledPD-22,0004Digital Setpnt 1
40061 Neslab HX-75 High Temperature5Water CooledTU-12,0003Digital Setpnt 4
90155 Neslab HX-900WC5Water CooledTU-938,00023Digital Setpnt 1
247612 Neslab M-755Frcd Air Cooled2,1504Digital Setpnt 1
179415 Neslab M255Frcd Air CooledMD-305805Programmable 1
103209 Neslab M255Frcd Air CooledPD-25804Digital Setpnt 1
76813 Neslab M335Frcd Air CooledMD-301,2505Digital Setpnt 1
82407 Neslab M33 5Frcd Air CooledPD-1-@ 1-gpm or PD-2 @4-gpm1,250Digital Setpnt 1
179410 Neslab M335Frcd Air CooledPD-21,2504Programmable 1
176562 Opti Temp Inc. OTC-.5A8Air CooledPositive Displacement / P2 Stainless Steel1,3404Programmable 1
176931 Opti Temp Inc. OTC-.5A8Frcd Air CooledPositive Displacement / P2 Stainless Steel1,3404Programmable 1
133352 PolyScience 6305P-5Air Cooled PD-11,1002Digital Setpnt 1

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Recirculating Chillers:
Affinity, Delta T Systems, Haskris, LAUDA-Brinkmann, Lytron, M&W Systems, M.T.A. S.p.A., Modutek, Neslab, Opti Temp Inc., PolyScience