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Item IDItem DescriptionDescriptionBase Type#PriceNotes
134517 Alessi Micropositioner MountMicropositioner Mount 2 300.00
52704 Alessi MS1-44Programmable Micropositioner 3
83301 Cascade Microtech ACP65-L-GSG-150Air Coplanar Probe 6 650.00
191772 Cascade Microtech DCM-100Left Hand Positioner -- No Probe HolderMagnetic 1
191774 Cascade Microtech MH2-BHigh Resolution Micropositioner -- Right HandMagnetic 1 995.00
51074 Creative Devices CD-IL-VMIn-Line Vacuum Based 3-Axis MicropositionerVacuum 3 915.00
172739 Electroglas 4053 Axis - MicropositionerVacuum 2 1,500.00 F*
182970 GGB Industries Inc. 12CHigh Impedance Active Probes 1 650.00
182971 GGB Industries Inc. 12CHigh Impedance Active Probes 1 650.00
183548 Karl Suss PH150Micropositioner w/Fine Screw AdjustmentsVacuum 1 1,500.00
173964 Karl Suss PH150Micropositioner w/Fine Screw AdjustmentVacuum 1 1,500.00
182967 Karl Suss PH150Micropositioner w/ Micrometer ActuatorsVacuum 1 1,550.00
177875 MC System Inc. Slimline 4440Micropositioner Magnetic 3 650.00
107022 Micromanipulator 450MicropositionerVacuum 1 790.00
64436 Micromanipulator 80-RECT-8000Probe Head Holder 2 135.00
62742 Rucker & Kolls 329-1Micropositioner w/Inker 1 680.00
64223 Rucker & Kolls 360Edge Sensor 1 375.00
218536 Signatone S-926 PLV3 Axis, Precision, Pivot Head, Left HandVacuum 1 850.00
218535 Signatone S-926 PRV3 Axis, Precision, Pivot Head, Right HandVacuum 1 850.00
150560 Signatone S-930Micropositioner left handVacuum 1 650.00
172740 Ultracision 4053 Axis - MicropositionerVacuum 3 1,500.00
62741 Xandex 320-0010Micropositioner/w InkerMagnetic 1 685.00
3854 XYZ PROBEXYZ Probe with Magnetic BaseMagnetic 1 650.00

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Micropositioners:
Alessi, Cascade Microtech, Creative Devices, Electroglas, GGB Industries Inc., Karl Suss, MC System Inc., Micromanipulator, Rucker & Kolls, Signatone, Ultracision, Xandex