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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionDescriptionMixer Type#PriceNotes
62507 Brawn LG-33DVMixer 2 925.00
104353 Draiswerke, Inc PM DCP MF 85 PUCPerl Mill 1
154302 Eiger Machinery MK11 M100Horizontal Bead Mill 1
154305 Glen Mills Zirconia Grinding Media 6
1234 Lab-Line 1278Magnestir, Six Vessel Capacity 1 500.00
3752 Lightnin V5P18NMixer 1
65365 Makino Jar Roll Mill 1
65369 Makino 2102 MJar Roll Mill 1
65373 Makino 2103 MJar Roll Mill 1
80227 Netzsch LMJ 1 LME 1Molinex John Mixer 1
206671 Nitto Kagaku Co. ANZ-100SBall Mill Rotating Table 1
125069 ORBITAL JAR MILLOrbital Jar Mill 10 950.00
206674 Patterson Industries Porta-ShellLaboratory MixerSingle Cone 1
155344 Paul o Abbe 25-4882Jar Roll MillOther 1
4608 Retsch PM4Planetary Ball Mill 1
112813 Retsch SR3Rotor-Beater MillOther 1
4737 Ross 2 GAL DISDischarge System 1 1,250.00
166009 Ross LDM-2Double Planetary MixerDouble Arm 1 9,500.00 F*
90256 SPEX CertiPrep Mixer/Mill Accessories 4
207155 Spex SamplePrep 8000MMixer/Mill 1
235320 US Stoneware 764AVM Jar Mill - (2) 24" Rollers 1

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Mixers/Mills/Blenders:
Brawn, Draiswerke, Inc, Eiger Machinery, Glen Mills, Lab-Line, Lightnin, Makino, Netzsch, Nitto Kagaku Co., Patterson Industries, Paul o Abbe, Retsch, Ross, SPEX CertiPrep, Spex SamplePrep, US Stoneware